2012年4月4日 星期三

Dropbox 將收回非正式得到的 23GB 免費空間

早前HTC One系列手機與Dropbox合作的免費2年23GB空間,只要利用修改過Dropbox APK,輕鬆地讓你獲得23GB空間。但根據Dropbox官方網站表示,上述漏洞已經修復,已經獲得23GB的用戶也會被收回。

但如果你有HTC手機是HTC Sense 4.0 版本的話,應該是可以透過這個計劃得到2年免費23GB空間。至於多次登入不同Dropbox帳戶能否替朋友取得免費空間,筆者並未試過。


Dropbox 官方回復:
The official Dropbox 23GB HTC promotion will not start until sometime early this month, when the devices are released. To earn the extra 23GB of extra Dropbox space you will need to link your HTC Sense 4.0 device to your Dropbox account and complete “Get Started.”
The method to earn 23GB that is being circulated on the XDA Developers forum and on other blogs and forums is illegitimate. We plan to remove any space received using this method.
Downloading apps from unknown sources is not a good idea, as they might have been modified to include malicious code. We strongly recommend that you only install the Android Dropbox app via Google Play (formerly known as the the Android Market) or from official download links on Dropbox.com.

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